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ArtsAbly's Bulletin

January 31, 2025
Dear followers, dear friends,

It is the last day of the first month of 2025, so still a few hours to wish you a Happy New Year! I hope that this year started well for you.

We resumed our activities on January 6 with the podcast and the disability arts news. For those who don't follow us on social media, or those who wish to stay up-to-date, here is a summary of what happened in ArtsAbly's world in January.

We will soon reach the 40th episode of the podcast, and we need help to spread the word. If you wish to support us, don't hesitate to forward this newsletter to friends and colleagues.

All the best,
Diane Kolin
Founder of ArtsAbly

Happy New Year 2025!

A pink envelope with a letter poking out of it that reads "ArtsAbly is back in office: welcome 2025."


A microphone in the centre of the picture, and the logo of ArtsAbly on the right. The background is blurry with multiple colour spots.

Info and platforms

"ArtsAbly in Conversation" is the name of our podcast. It is available:
  • on YouTube in video format with transcripts and closed captions
  • on our website in audio format with transcripts
  • on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube Music
Here is the link to the podcast on the website. You will find links to our YouTube channel, to the Spotify and Apple Music platforms, and to a number of other platforms that now host the podcast, such as YouTube Music, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, and Deezer.

Episode 36: ArtsAbly in Conversation with Chi Yhun Lo

A black and white picture of a South-East Asian man with glasses and headphones. He has a light moustache and a light beard, and wears a shirt with geometrical patterns. The title of the episode is written in white on a black background.
In this episode, ArtsAbly is in conversation with Dr. Chi Yhun Lo, a Senior Research Associate in the SMART Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University, in Canada.

Access resources related to the podcast episode

Listen to the podcast episode on the website

Watch the video on YouTube

Episode 37: ArtsAbly in Conversation with Kemal Gorey

A white man with dark shoulder length hair and dark-rimmed glasses, wearing a black sweater over a white shirt, smiling at the camera. The title of the episode is written in white on a black background.
In this episode, ArtsAbly is in conversation with Kemal Gorey, a media composer and accessibility advocate living in Istanbul in Turkey.

Access resources related to the podcast

Listen to the podcast episode on the website

Watch the video on YouTube

Episode 38: ArtsAbly in Conversation with Andre Louis

A black man with short hair and short beard, wearing sunglasses and a check shirt. In front of him, a microphone and a piano keyboard. Other audio equipment is surrounding him. The title of the episode is written in white on a black background.
In this episode, ArtsAbly is in conversation with Andre Louis, a musician from London, UK, and an accessibility expert for accessibility features in Digital Audio Workstations.

Access resources related to the podcast

Listen to the podcast episode on the website

Watch the video on YouTube

Episode 39: ArtsAbly in Conversation with Louann Carnahan

An East-Asian woman wearing a white jacket and white pants, sitting at the piano with a score open in front of her. A metallic frame is installed around her, straps attached to the frame are holding her arms. The inscription "The Marionette Pianist" is written in pink on the wall. The title of the episode is written in white on a black background.
In this episode, ArtsAbly is in conversation with Louann Carnahan, a neurologist specializing in epilepsy, and an accomplished classical pianist.

Access resources related to the podcast

Listen to the podcast episode on the website

Watch the video on YouTube

Disability Arts News

We regularly share news from the disability arts community, in Canada or elsewhere. Here are a few links we shared on our social media platforms. If you would like us to post an article you find interesting or one of your news, don't hesitate to contact us.

Access/VSA - The Kennedy Center

At the Office of Accessibility and VSA, they are passionate about access to the arts for people with disabilities. To ensure the arts are accessible to all—from children to older adults—the Kennedy Center performances and facilities are accessible to all audiences, and provide resources, programs, and opportunities for educators, cultural administrators, emerging and professional artists and performers with disabilities.

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Embraced Body: Expanding possibilities for all bodies

Embraced Body’s work is for and by people like us: Black Disabled people, queer and genderqueer Disabled folks, Disabled survivors, folks who don’t neatly fit into one identity category or one canonized way of making dance—those who need to re-make the world in their image in order to find a place where they can be in their entirety.
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Celine Dion releases ASL versions of 20 of her songs

Musician Celine Dion released on her YouTube channel 20 new videos that have ASL interpretations of 20 of her songs from the “I Am: Celine Dion” soundtrack. The songs are performed by Angela “AV” Vilavong, a deaf interpreter. The videos include subtitles.
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Arts Centre Melbourne: Phases

"Phases" was presented by Arts Centre Melbourne last year. It was a collaborative piece between a leader in the Disability arts space and an institution of Education.
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Support us

Thanks to our generous supporters, our activities work well. Even small donations count. Clicking on the "Support us" menu will lead you to options to support us: buy us a coffee on Ko-fi or make a donation via PayPal. Don't hesitate to share it with others. Thanks you!

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