Nous travaillons avec des artistes et des écoles pour rendre les arts plus accessibles à tous.
Advising & Consulting
Do you have a choir? An orchestra? A theatre? A concert hall? Did you ever consider including more accessibility for performers with disabilities? Do you need guidance in your process?
Accessibility Assessment
Learn about Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification (RHFAC) for per-constructed and built environment, to get a snapshot of your site’s current level of accessibility.
Music Workshops
We organize accessibility workshops for all audiences from young students to professional artists. We also give talks and presentations. Don’t hesitate to ask for more details.
Lectures & Training
In person or online training, from global accessibility to arts focused. We tailor our sessions and activities to the need of each customer, whether it is a single individual, a school, a university, or a private company.
Partenaires et soutiens
ArtsAbly souhaite reconnaître et remercier les partenaires et les supporters qui nous aident à nous développer.
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